AI for Public Impact: How Emerging Technologies Can Deepen Democracy and Improve Governance

AI for Public Impact: How Emerging Technologies Can Deepen Democracy and Improve Governance is designed for students interested in learning about the role of artificial intelligence in strengthening democracy, enhancing governance and improving how we solve public problems. This is for all students interested in AI for social good. Whether or not you are pursuing career opportunities in civil society or the public sector, this session is for everyone interested in how AI is helping us to solve our hardest problems. This session will also be an opportunity to discuss career and learning opportunities involving the public and civic sectors as well as how to get involved in AI for good in the private sector.


Beth Noveck

Chief AI Strategist, State of New Jersey

Former Deputy CTO of the United States

Founder, AI for Impact Co-Op

Director, The Burnes Center for Social Change and The GovLab

Professor, Northeastern University

Beth Simone Noveck is a professor at Northeastern University, where she directs the Burnes Center for Social Change and its partner project, The Governance Lab (The GovLab).  Her newest book Democracy Rebooted: How AI Can Save Democracy will appear with Yale University Press. New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy appointed her as the state’s first Chief AI Strategist in 2024. Previously, she served as the NJ Chief Innovation Officer, founded the White House Open Government Initiative under President Obama, worked for 10 Downing Street, and served on Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Digital Council. She leads InnovateUS, which trains public servants in AI, digital, and innovation skills and the AI for Impact Coop Program, where students build AI for social good. She blogs at Read her full bio, here.

Dane Gambrell

Research Fellow

Burnes Center for Social Change

Northeastern University

Dane Gambrell is a Research Fellow at the Burnes Center where he leads a series of projects related to community engagement, collective intelligence, and AI for public impact. Dane coordinates the Burnes Center’s Smarter Crowdsourcing program, which uses AI to engage community and domain expertise at scale to enable participatory problem-solving that is more legitimate and more effective. He is an editor and writer for Reboot Democracy, a blog that explores the complex relationship among AI, democracy, and governance.